Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can Science Know All?

The modern world is built upon science that cannot know all. 
 The difficulty is that science has proven itself to be the most powerful method of finding truth ever conceived, and this may lead to some to turn their backs on all the other methods.This can put you in a disadvantage when it comes to understand people. 

Think for a bit of a (possible) conversation between a Psychologist Professor and a Parent. 

Professor: You would like to know which Parenting Theory is best?

Parent: Yes, but not just which one is best, but true. Which theory has the most scientific proof? 

Professor: Actually, you are asking at least three questions: 
What is best? 
What is true?
What is scientific? 
I think you will have an answer to all three when you consider that no credible, informed and honest scientist will claim that his methods can adequately study what cannot be observed or measured. 
  Thus, when you expressed a belief that each person has a spirit and that spirit has something to do with directing, then science will not be able to adequately nor fully explain what you need to know. 

Parent: So are you saying that I can not turn to science for my answers to my parenting questions? 

Professor: Not quite. Sure, you can turn to science for such answers; many will be very good. But don't expect to find a scientific theory that is adequate to explain, predict, or completely inform you with all you want to or need to know about parenting. 

Parent: So, where do I turn?

Professor: Turn to science for important information about regularities in behavior, growth patterns, correlations between behaviors and environment. Science provides many good insights about such matters. But now knowing this, also realize that in psychology alone there are hundreds of theories. It would be foolish to select one theory on the basis that it is scientifically true. A genuine scientist will not pretend that he can adequately study the most important aspect of a person, which is that of the will, soul or spirit or . whatever you call it 

Again, the greatest and most dramatic illustration of truth finding through the sensory, is the use of sensory of information and reasoning through science. 
Everyone must be impressed with the undeniable achievements of science in the physical world. Scientific disciplines are staffed with men who have proven themselves exceptional in using the scientific method to uncover truth and knowledge. 
 Therefore, without dispute, science is the foundation for truth and knowledge in our technically based society. However, you should be aware honest scientists will tell you directly that they cannot, and in fact do not, want to use this method to tell you about things that are not based on empirical observation. If you believe that people are more a material body, then you must turn to other methods for a complete and understanding of your marriage. 

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